Quality Control Specialist

Pixartprinting S.p.A. Quarto D'Altino Italy Quality

Company Description

We specialise in providing customised online printing services, producing magazines, catalogues, labels, packaging, printing on textiles and much more.

The success of our customers is our main goal, and the driving force behind everything we do.

Pixartprinting is an e-commerce company, and everything we do revolves around the web. This online presence is made possible by 1200 passionate and talented people who work day in, day out at our headquarters to handle and produce 15,000 print jobs a day.

Over the years we have become a well-oiled machine, able to offer our customers a high-quality service.

From the very beginning we challenged ourselves to offer much more than just printing. Today we offer a complete and professional service that aims to support our customers’ communication projects, whatever line of business they are in.

We give them complete freedom to make their own choices, each of our products can be personalised, giving users extraordinary freedom to customise their order, but at the same time are always on hand throughout the order process in case any issues or questions arise.


Pixartprinting seleziona un Quality Control Specialist per la propria area Quality.

Opererà in ambito supply, presidiando e promuovendo le attività operative di verifica e controllo, sia sui materiali che sui processi intervenendo in prima persona.

Sarà coinvolto nella interazione con i fornitori e terzisti nella gestione degli indici di qualità e dei piani di miglioramento.

SI relazionerà principalmente con le aree di produzione e la logistica con cui dovrà lavorare per promuovere la cultura per la qualità e per l’attenzione al Cliente.


- Definizione o revisione dei process control plan per le filiere previste dal ruolo

- Verifiche di conformità in ambito produttivo (audit di prodotto)

- Gestione e qualificazione campioni di riferimento interni per controlli visivi.

- Attività di problem solving in produzione.

- Gestione delle non conformità da fornitori e clienti

- Implementazione piani di miglioramento per la qualità con Fornitori, Terzisti

- Conduzione audit di qualifica Fornitori / Terzisti

- Redazione di specifiche e documentazione tecnica



- Percorso di studi in ambito tecnico

- Esperienza in ambito qualità di prodotto di 2/3 anni

- Costituirà titolo preferenziale la qualifica di Auditor di parte prima.

- Capacità di lavoro in team

- Capacità di problem solving

- Per quale motivo dovresti candidarti?

Other information

Beh, per almeno 10 ottimi motivi:

1 – Amiamo il talento e non vogliamo perderlo, ti offriamo un contratto a tempo indeterminato.

2 – Siamo persone smart, che credono nel valore e nello smart working.

3 – Sappiamo che ognuno ha i propri tempi, perciò potrai entrare ed uscire dal lavoro in maniera flessibile.

4 – Abbiamo a cuore la tua salute, per questo ti daremo un’assicurazione medica completa.

5 – Vogliamo darti solo il meglio offrendoti convenzioni dedicate al tuo tempo libero e alle tue passioni.

6 – Coltiviamo le tue skill organizzando corsi di formazione per accrescere le tue competenze e abilità.

7 – Pensiamo sempre a te, per questo ti forniamo un pacchetto welfare ricco di benefit e vantaggi esclusivi.

8 – Il pranzo lo offriamo noi, dandoti ogni mese un carnet di buoni pasto per goderti i tuoi piatti preferiti.

9 – Attraverso un sistema di performance management ti forniremo preziosi feedback per aiutarti a crescere a livello professionale.

10 - Pensiamo al tuo benessere, avrai a disposizione un percorso a scelta tra psicologo, nutrizionista, educatore posturale o terapista per smettere di fumare

La nostra diversità è la nostra forza.

Noi di Pixartprinting crediamo da sempre nel valore, nel rispetto e nell’unicità di ogni singolo componente del team. Per questo motivo ci impegniamo ogni giorno a tutelare e a valorizzare le diversità di genere, promuovendo l’equità e l’inclusione di ogni individuo che fa parte della nostra grande comunità.

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1.    Processing Purpose

Pursuant to articles 13.1 and 14.1 of EU Reg. 679/2016 defined "General Data Protection Regulation" (the “Regulation”) and of art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196-2003 defined "Privacy Code", we inform you that your personal data will be processed for the management of the personnel search and selection process - regardless of the type and in all its phases - and consequently for the fulfilment and exercise of the relative and mutual obligations and rights, within the limits necessary to pursue the aforementioned purpose.

2.    Communication of data. Methods of processing and storage times.

Your personal data will be processed, in compliance with the aforementioned legislation, exclusively for the search and selection of personnel.

In relation to the aforementioned purposes, the personal data may be processed on both electronic and paper support, in full compliance with the legislation in force, in order to guarantee its security and confidentiality.

The provision of personal data essential for the aforementioned purpose is optional, but the refusal to provide them or to allow their subsequent processing will make it impossible for the Company to enter the data in its archive and, consequently, to evaluate your profile in order to the future establishment of a possible employment relationship.

The processing and communication of your personal data, for the purposes and in the manner described in this information notice, may take place without the need for your consent pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 1, lett. a), b), f), g), and 26, paragraph 4, lett. d) and of the general Authorization n.1 of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data and of the art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. b), c) and f) of the Regulation.

Among the personal data provided by you for the aforementioned purposes there may be some qualified as particular categories of personal data, as they are suitable for revealing the state of health, belonging to particular protected categories, the reason for exemption from military service, etc.

Such data may be processed by the Company only with your consent pursuant to art. 9, paragraph 2, lett. a) of the Regulation.

Within the scope of the aforementioned purpose, your personal data might come to the knowledge (solely within their respective areas of competence) of: the Company managers, the persons in charge of managing and selecting personnel; the Company Departments / Areas from time to time interested in the recruitment of new personnel; and also, in a capacity as external data Processors, of the companies that provide service to us for the research and selection of personnel in any case identified, designated and appointed by us.

The names of all external data Processors can be requested by means of a communication to be sent to the addresses indicated below: [email protected]

In any case, your personal data will be considered expired after 12 months from the insertion and will not be kept for a period exceeding 36 months from receipt, after which the same data will be subsequently destroyed or anonymised, unless otherwise indicated by the data subject.

3.    Transmission of data outside the EA

For the purposes indicated above, your personal data, Pixartprinting will not transfer your personal data to countries not belonging to the European Union.

4.    Your rights

By notice to be sent to the following addresses [email protected], you may at any time exercise the rights set out in Articles 15 to 23 of the Regulation, including, in summary, those relating to the right of access, rectification, cancellation or limitation, object and data portability, within the limits and under the conditions set out therein. In addition, pursuant to Article 21 of the Regulation, you will have the right to object at any time, for reasons connected to your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you carried out for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, lett f) of the Regulation. You can find the complete list of your rights on www.garanteprivacy.it.

5.    Data Controller

Pixartprinting S.p.A., with registered office at no. 8 Via 1° Maggio, 30020 - Quarto d'Altino (VE), Italy, VAT n. 04061550275, e-mail address [email protected], is the company which, in its capacity as data Controller, collects and processes your personal data.

Pursuant to Article 37 of the Regulation, the data protection officer may be contacted at the e-mail address [email protected].

(If you do not accept, your request cannot be processed)