Urmet Spa Torino Italy Engineering Hybrid

Company Description

Urmet believes that R&D on products and services is a priority. In the last few years research has led to the introduction of high-technology products with a high impact in terms of quality of life. In Urmet's vision, education is the key to succeed and this is why a company that can count on a presence in more than 20 countries across Europe, America and Asia represents a big opportunity for young professionals to enhance their expertise and know-how in a hands-on context.



Ricerchiamo un Redattore Tecnico altamente qualificato e motivato per unirsi al nostro team. Il candidato ideale avrà eccellenti capacità di scrittura e un'ottima comprensione di argomenti tecnici complessi. Il Redattore Tecnico avrà il compito di realizzare, revisionare e gestire la documentazione tecnica per l’installazione, configurazione e utilizzo di dispositivi all’interno di impianti di sicurezza, comunicazione e domotica, come manuali di sistema, libretti di prodotto e guide utente. Inoltre, dovrà possedere conoscenze delle nozioni tecnico-impiantistiche necessarie alla stesura degli schemi di impianto.

Responsabilità principali:

  • Redazione e Revisione: Creare documentazione tecnica chiara, concisa e accurata destinata a vari utenti: installatori, amministratori di condominio e clienti finali.
  • Collaborazione: Lavorare a stretto contatto con team di sviluppo (software, hardware, meccanica) per raccogliere informazioni tecniche e garantire l'accuratezza della documentazione.
  • Gestione della Documentazione: Organizzare e utilizzare il sistema di gestione della documentazione aziendale per garantire che tutto il materiale sia facilmente accessibile e aggiornato.
  • Gestione dei fornitori: Lavorare con fornitori esterni per assicurare che la qualità della documentazione esterna sia allineata con gli standard aziendali. Coordinare con i fornitori di servizi per garantire tempi di consegna e accuratezza.
  • Miglioramento Continuo: Identificare opportunità per migliorare la qualità e l'efficienza della documentazione attraverso feedback e analisi.


Si richiedono:

  • Istruzione: Laurea Ingegneria, Elettronica o Informatica oppure diploma tecnico equivalente.
  • Esperienza: Maturata esperienza nella redazione tecnica o documentazione di prodotto.
  • Competenze linguistiche: Eccellenti capacità di scrittura in lingua italiana, inglese. Rappresenta condizione preferenziale la conoscenza del francese.
  • Conoscenze tecniche: familiarità con prodotti tecnologicamente avanzati e un forte interesse nella tecnologia applicata a diversi ambiti come la domotica, la comunicazione e la sicurezza.
  • ·Conoscenza strumenti di lavoro:
    • Software di Impaginazione o Esperienza con Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word e Quark Xpress per la creazione e l'impaginazione di documenti professionali
    • Software di Grafica o Competenza nell'uso di Adobe Photoshop e Illustrator per la creazione e la modifica di disegni grafici, vettoriali e installativi.
    • Competenza nell'uso di OrCAD Capture CIS per realizzazione di schemi di impianto.
    • Software CAD: Utilizzo di software CAD per l'esportazione di viste vettoriali dai modelli matematici da inserire nei libretti e manuali tecnici.
    • Sofware di Editing video o Utilizzo di software di editing video, come Wondershare Filmora, per la creazione di video tutorial che mostrino in maniera dettagliata come utilizzare i prodotti ed effettuare le configurazioni.

  • Strumenti aziendali: Esperienza con software di gestione della documentazione.
  • Aspirazioni: Forte attenzione alla precisione e capacità di lavorare in modo indipendente e collaborativo.
  • Problem Solving: Eccellenti capacità di problem solving e di gestione del tempo, con la capacità di gestire più progetti contemporaneamente.

Other information

Sede di lavoro:

  • Torino

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The management of the contractual relationship with customers and suppliers necessarily entails the processing of personal data (identifying information, telephone numbers, email addresses) of the people contacted.

This privacy policy is therefore provided pursuant to art. 13 GDPR 679/16 - "European General Data Protection Regulation" for natural persons who work for customers and suppliers.

Given the difficulty in delivering it directly to the data subjects, the privacy policy is made available to customers and suppliers with the request that they notify the data subjects.


Identity of the Data Controller

The Data Controller of the processing referred to below is Urmet S.p.A. based at Via Bologna 188/C, 10154 Turin, Italy, in the person of its legal representative pro tempore.


Identity of the Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller appointed the Data Protection Officer, who can be reached at the headquarters of the Joint Data Controller or contacted by email at the address [email protected].


Data source

The personal data processed are those provided by the data subject during:

Visits or phone calls;

Direct contacts at trade shows, exhibitions, etc.;

The proposal of offers;

Communications and transactions subsequent to the order


Purposes of the processing

Personal data of contact persons are processed to:


·      Send communications of various kinds and with different methods (telephone, mobile phone, text message, email, fax, post)

·      Make requests or fulfil requests and offers received

·      Exchange information aimed at the fulfilment of the contractual relationship, including pre- and post-contractual activities


Legal basis for the processing

The legal basis is the need to follow up on pre-contractual, contractual and post-contractual obligations.


Data recipients

The personal data processed by the Data Controller are not disseminated or are not made known to indeterminate parties in any form, including being made available or for viewing. On the other hand, they may be disclosed to workers who work for the Data Controller, to third parties who collaborate with it as Data Processors or who are authorised to process the data under the authority of the data controller.

They can also be disclosed to the extent strictly necessary to persons who for the purpose of processing your requests must provide goods or perform tasks or services on behalf of the Data Controller. Finally, they may be disclosed to persons entitled to access them by virtue of provisions of law, regulations and European Community legislation.

More specifically, depending on their roles and duties, workers have been authorised to process your personal data within the limits of their responsibilities and in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Data Controller.

External parties operating under the authority of the Data Controller have also been appropriately authorised on the basis of the type of service provided, the processing performed and the nature of the data processed.

External parties to whom the Data Controller has entrusted the processing of personal data have been designated as Data Processors.


Data transfer

Under no circumstances does the Data Controller transfer personal data to third countries or to international organisations.

However, it reserves the right to use cloud services, in which case the service providers will be selected from those that provide adequate guarantees, as required by art. 46 GDPR 679/16.


Data retention

The Data Controller retains and processes personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes specified. In this case, contact details are kept for two years following their termination.


Rights of the Data Subject

With reference to articles 15 - right of access, 16 - right to rectification, 17 - right to erasure, 18 - right to restriction of processing, 20 - right to data portability, 21 - right to object, 22 - right to oppose an automated decision-making process of GDPR 679/16, the data subject exercises his/her rights by writing to the Data Controller at the address above or by email, specifying the subject of his/her request, the right being exercised and attaching a photocopy of an identity document attesting to the legitimacy of the request.

The Data Controller underscores that each data subject can exercise the right to object in the forms and manners envisaged by art. 21 GDPR.

Further information on the rights of the data subject is provided at the end of this section.


Withdrawal of consent

With reference to art. 7 of GDPR 679/16, at any time the data subject can withdraw any consent given.

However, the processing referred to in this privacy policy is lawful and permissible, even without consent, as it is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract the data subject is a party to (for the supply of goods and services).


Refusal to provide data

The data subject can refuse to give the Data Controller his/her personal data.

However, the provision of personal data is necessary for a correct and efficient management of the contractual relationship. Therefore, any refusal to provide the data may wholly or partially compromise the contractual relationship.


Automated decision-making processes

With regard to the processing specified below, under no circumstances does the Data Controller perform processing consisting of automated decision-making processes involving data of natural persons.

(If you do not accept, your request cannot be processed)